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Add:35F,Huijin International Center,No.105 Daxing Street,Fengze District,Quanzhou City,Fujian Province,China



Management Team


The Board consists of nine Directors, including four executive Directors, two non-executive Directors and three independent non-executive Directors.

Executive Directors:

Mr. Zhou Yongwei (周永偉), has been the Chairman of the Board and our executive Director since 8 January 2010.He is primarily responsible for corporate strategic planning and overall business development and management of our Company. Mr. Zhou has approximately 29 years of experience in finance and investment industry and has extensive experience in corporate management and business operation.

Mr. Wu Zhirui (吳智銳), has joined our Company and has been our executive Director since 1 January 2011 and 20 November 2012, respectively. He is primarily responsible for formulating and implementing our corporate strategies, overseeing our overall business development and implementing operation plans and participating in the day-to-day management of our business operations. Mr. Wu has approximately 16 years of experience in enterprise management.

Mr. Yan Zhijiang (顏志江), has been our executive Director, secretary to our Board and deputy general manager/joint company secretary since 11 November 2013, 10 July 2014 and 3 September 2014, respectively. Mr. Yan Zhijiang resigned as a secretary to the Board in March 2017. He is primarily responsible for formulating and implementing our corporate governance measures and risk management policy, and implementing operation plans and participating in the day-to-day management of our business operations. Mr. Yan has approximately 13 years of experience in legal matter management/risk management.

Ms. Liu Aiqing (劉愛琴), has been our executive Director since 25 August 2017. She is currently the head of our financial department and responsible for financial management of the Company. She served as our non-executive Director from 24 March 2017 to 25 August 2017.

Non-executive Directors:

Mr. Jiang Haiying (蔣海鷹), has been our non-executive Director since 12 June 2015. He is primarily responsible for providing strategic advice to the business and operation of the Company. Mr. Jiang has over 23 years of experience in enterprise management.

Mr. Cai Rongjun (蔡鎔駿), has been our non-executive Director since 12 June 2018. Mr. Cai is primarily responsible for providing strategic advices to our business and operation. Mr. Cai has over 12 years of experience in enterprise management.

Independent non-executive Directors:

Mr. Yang Zhanghua (楊章華), has been our independent non-executive Director since 9 June 2023. He is primarily responsible for providing independent opinion and judgment to our Board.

Mr. Yang Dong John (楊東), has been our independent non-executive Director since 9 July 2023. He is primarily responsible for providing independent opinion and judgment to our Board, particularly with regard to the financial aspects of our Company.

Mr. Zheng Wenjian (鄭文堅), has been our independent non-executive Director since 9 June 2023. He is primarily responsible for providing independent opinion and judgment to our Board.